Roof Leaks – Proactive Claim Solutions
  • 305-424-8660


Category Archives for Roof Leaks

Grappling with Roof Damage Claims

“A roof over your head” is a powerful phrase with weight and a whole lot of meaning. It evokes thoughts and feelings about shelter, home and safety. It’s fair to say that the roof is…

Navigating Through Roof Damage Claims

Roof damage insurance claims are feisty beasts that are not to be faced on your own. Well, not without a Licensed Public Adjuster. For starters, there are some specific types of roof damage that are…

When the Dust Settles

When a storm settles, another storm rolls in. The tempest of roofing repairs may not be fatal, but it can be costly. Roof leaks, high wind damage, fallen trees, and ripped off siding are all…