Claim Process – Proactive Claim Solutions
  • 305-424-8660


Claim Process

What should you expect?

If you want to collect on a property damage or business interruption claim, you need to comply with the long list of requirements set forth in your policy. That includes the types of information you need to submit as well as the timing of your claim.

The insurance claims process is a long and tedious process, however, by being proactive we will ensure that “the ball is always on their court”. If you’ve never read your policy – like most people – you may not realize there are a series of deadlines that must be met by both sides. For example, some policies will require you to submit a proof of loss within a certain time frame which includes numerous conditions. Others will try to exercise their “Option to repair” your property.

Fortunately, you are able to go back to living your life once you’ve hired Proactive Claim Solutions to handle your claim. You can take care of your family and your business knowing that we will handle all of the details associated with your claim with your insurance company.