The Best Firefighting Tool That Should Be Used More – Proactive Claim Solutions
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The Best Firefighting Tool That Should Be Used More

Wildfires have been raging more than usual over the past two years. It may not look like it, but firefighters are doing far more than simply spraying water on fire. As more fire rages, advances in firefighting technology are progressing. One such piece of technology is that of firefighting foam, otherwise known as Class A foam, which is used for Carbon fires.

Class A foam has proven time and time again to be a more efficient means of firefighting than water. So why is it rarely used in our country?

Fire departments across the country have cited two main reasons why. 1) It’s pricey. 2) It requires a lot more training.

According to El Paso Fire Department Chief Roberto Diaz, the benefits of foam outweigh the only two negatives. With this technology, “firefighters can minimize damage, maximize safety, and perform their job more effectively.

Other benefits include, fewer health risks including a reduced risk of cancer.

“Multiple studies reveal that foam can help protect firefighters from the high prevalence of rising cancer rates. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reported that “there is a suspected correlation between exposure to off-gassing and rare, aggressive cancers that have stricken firefighters at an alarming rate.”

Sadly, 61% of line-of-duty firefighter deaths from 2002 to 2016 were caused by occupational cancer, according to the International Association of Firefighters(IAFF).

While water may seem like the ideal way to fight fire, Chief Diaz’s research paper details how water can actually increase the spread of carcinogens, which are cancer-causing agents. Particles of these carcinogens may end up in the sewage system of a city and spread even further.

When Class A foam is mixed with water, the result is an incredibly effective compound. Water can allow the foam to act as a surfactant and more effectively penetrate raging fires. Water alone has trouble extinguishing deep-seated fires among mattresses, sofas and vehicle seats.

All of these benefits are proof that Class A foam should be a part of standard operating procedures for firefighters in our country.

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